Driving your way

You should be in charge of your drive – not the car designer or maintainer.

Driving your way

I was really enjoying driving the van the other day. It was great to be able to put down the windows and feel the wind speed by on a hot day.

It seemed even nicer because in my normal car, it’s a real pain to drive like that. The design of the car is such that you can’t open just one window while going at any sort of speed. If only one window is opened, some sort of standing wave is set up which makes it very uncomfortable. Instead, you have to open two (or more) windows to allow air to get through.

This means that a passenger can no longer choose whether or not to have their window down. Instead, they must travel the way the designer of the car expected them to travel, with the windows up, and the fan on.

I find it amazing that we own a car where we have to travel just as the designer saw fit. I much prefer the van, with option to open windows as you like, and travel the way you want to.

In the same way, I find that software processes can be overly prescriptive – forcing customers, and their projects, to behave in a certain way.

At Caerketton Tech, we don’t force our vision upon you. Instead, we accommodate your working processes into the project, and work how you want to work.

